Thursday, February 22, 2018

That Tragic Day

37 years ago on February 17, 1981 was the tragic day that our lovely Carolyn Jones was diagnosed with colon cancer. In James Plyant's book we find a quote from Carolyn showing how terrified she was when she first started getting surgeries, "I was so terrified that I broke out in a rash before surgery that no medical person could find the cure for. But I knew what it was- pure terror." During that surgery they took out a foot of her colon. Her oncologist had to tell her sister Bette that she only had 2 years left to live. He didn't have the heart to tell Carolyn personally. For treatments she went through aggressive chemotherapy. She convinced herself that her illness was curable. She changed her diet, she exercised, thought positively and prayed. She didn't let the public know about her cancer cause she was afraid that nobody would hire her anymore, she wanted to keep working despite the pain she was in. She was hired to play the role of Myrna Clegg on the CBS soap opera Capitol in early 1982. She loved being on the show and playing her character. She was quoted when talking about her character "I love being a bitch!" But not everything was as great as things seemed, one of her Jane Daly had seen the difference between the Carolyn on stage and the one behind. "Look at the wreck of an old mess i am! The body, I've got no hair, no makeup" and after being prepared for the show "Look at this Jane. See what wigs and makeup and wardrobe can do? I look like a million dollars!" She went on the be on the show until her cancer got worse and they forced her off the show. August 3, 1983 our angel passed away in her home with Alicia Buttons (Red Buttons wife) by her side. She was cremated the next day. Her ashes were place above her mothers (Chloe Jones) heart in their family crypt. (Melrose Abbey Memorial Park in Anaheim, Orange County, California, USA. Plot North Patio, 46 gg)


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Normal is an Illusion

"Normal is an illusion. What is normal to the spider is chaos to the fly" -Morticia Addams.

This should be a lesson that is taught to and by everyone. I have always believed that when we meet someone we should look past what we see and think is odd or weird or wrong. If we focus on just those things we don't get to see what else lies behind that person and what makes them, them. We focus on the negatives and move on before getting to know the person more. We need to stop judging and only believing in stereotypes, what we need to do is start accepting people for who they are. 

The Addams Family is the perfect example of this. The Addams Family accepted people for who they were even if people outside their family didn't accept them. Everyone thought of them as weird or scary but they never looked past that to see what a great family they really were.

Judging a person to quickly can can hurt the persons feelings and possible make there lives worse by making them think bad of themselves. If you are reading this please know that you are perfect the way your are and that you should not be ashamed of yourself for the way others see you. Be and do what makes you happy and don't care what others think of you.

Monday, February 5, 2018

From Actress to Author

 Carolyn Jones married Herbert Greene, they moved to Palm Springs California. I have heard a lot of reasons why they moved there but I've heard that some are rumors so I'm not gonna write about them because I don't know what to believe. But when they moved Carolyn sorta gave up acting and eventually got board so she turned to writing. She wrote 2 books one herself and another she co-wrote with her husband at the time Herbert Greene. Her book called Twice Upon a Time was published in 1971 and her other book Diary of a Food Addict was published in 1974. Twice Upon a Time from what I've read, you could say is a movie star version of 50 Shades of Grey. "A film actress tries to make it on Broadway and is involved in a series of meaningless sex encounters before able to sort out her public and private life" (goodreads). In the book In Morticia's Shadow the Life and Career of Carolyn Jones by James Plyant, Carolyn said that "Its not autobiographical, even thought the heroine, like me is come from Texas." but then more than one year later, she admitted to Dick Kleiner that Twice Upon a Time was, in part, a memoir.
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The Addams Family

Their creepy and their kooky, mysterious and spooky, their all together ooky, The Addams Family *Snap snap* It is finally October and that m...