Thursday, March 8, 2018

This is Me

The song This is Me from The Greatest Showman has become an anthem to many people who can relate to being different. Every time I listen to it (which is a lot) I become more empowered and confident in myself. This song I believe defines Carolyn Jones for many reasons. The lyrics I chose for the tribute below "I am brave, I am bruised , I am who I'm meant to be. This is me" to me best describes her. She is brave, she faced everything that the world threw at her. She is bruised, she had terrible moments in her life that caused her a lot of pain. Even though all that she continued to live her life the way she wanted. She was different for her time but she didn't let anyone get to her and tell her what to be. She wasn't afraid to be herself and she let it show. 

This is how we all should be. We should be proud to be who we are and we shouldn't act like someone who were not just so we fit it. We were born to stand out! If people don't like who you truly are then forget about them and move on. Don't let what other people think of you stand in your way of achieving your dreams. Be proud of who you are cause you are amazing!

Id also like to take a moment and thank all of you who are reading my blog. Thank you guys so much, I never though this blog would go so far and its just the beginning. I would very much appreciate it if you could share and spread this blog. Please help me keep the memory of Carolyn Jones alive, she might not be here with us but we can keep her memory going. Thank you guys so so so much <3

The Addams Family

Their creepy and their kooky, mysterious and spooky, their all together ooky, The Addams Family *Snap snap* It is finally October and that m...