Sunday, December 16, 2018


Any of us who know and love Carolyn all have wish and that wish is that we could meet her. Whether its to compliment her on her acting or the thank her for being an inspiration... what ever it is a moment we all want but unfortunately cant have.

The question of "if you ever got to meet her what would you do?" often runs through my head and then turns into a long daydream. I personally don't know what id do cause every time i think about it i it changes. One thing I know id do and what most of us would do is cry, and cry. Whether its tears of joy, happiness, sadness or any other emotion we would all cry.

This woman has changed my and many other peoples lives immensely. Some people, who have become family to me, wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for Carolyn inspiring them to continue to fight and live. We have found one way or another to connect to her, if its through one of her various characters (movie or show), or through a personal connection. She is a huge inspiration and role model to many of her fans.

Thank you Carolyn Jones, we love you and will never forget you.
You gave joy to the world.

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