Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Carolyn Jones said many things about herself about her appearance. If you have seen pictures of her you have seen she is nothing below beautiful. I have the article shown below written by her entitled Perfect Beauty Is Dull. The article starts off with her stating that us who don't have it all should't worry about it and to make the most of what we do have.

She goes on to say that when she was a child she hated her large blue eyes but then credited them for her first breakthrough in movies. She says that she used to be self conscious about her crooked teeth and wanted to have them all capped but later decided not to with advice from her dentist. She also writes about her thinness, her posture, and her hair. "But I was determined that my mind would shine, that I would become a good actress, and that I would always look my best."Carolyn Jones. When she saw herself on her first screen test she writes she was surprised to see herself. "The girl on the screen had a good figure, good posture, and even looked pretty..." Carolyn Jones.

Carolyn wanted to be herself. In the last paragraph of her article I think is the most inspiring and still relevant today. "Individual is an invaluable quality. But it's built with a little pain and a lot of effort. There are many things you can do to improve yourself, but don't destroy what is unique by trying to make yourself over completely, or by trying to be a carbon copy of somebody else" Carolyn Jones. This advice should be seen by many of teenagers today trying to be like famous celebrities and destroying themselves trying to be someone who they are not. We should be who we are and not care what others think.

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