Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Thank you Carolyn Jones for being so strong and being an inspiration to me. You gave joy to the world❤
If you are a fan or have friends who are fans of Carolyn Jones you have undoubtedly heard of how strong she was. She battled depression, suicidal thoughts and attempts, divorces, not meeting her real father, sicknesses that almost killed her, and hardest of all cancer. These are just the thing that we know. Who knows what else she battled that we don't know about. But thought all the pain she experienced emotionally and physically she still had a smile on her face she continued to do what she loved. In James Plyant's book about Carolyn Jones there is a part where she and Jane Daly were in Carolyn's dressing room on Capitol. Carolyn had lost her hair from her chemo treatments and she said to Jane "Look at this wreck of an old mess that I am! The body, I've got no hair, no makeup." After getting dressed for the show, she says "Look at this, Jane. See what wigs and makeup and wardrobe can do? You know, I look like a million dollars!" On the set of Capitol Carolyn hid her sickness not letting anybody know what was wrong with her. She did this until it was to painful for her to walk and had to use a wheelchair to move around. Carolyn was strong till the end. She is my idol because of this. I have experienced many of the things she had. She taught me that you have to stay strong and fight till the end.

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